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Illumination of the kitchen
Watch above for his symptoms in the finder of the remedy:

This is an extract of Illumination of the kitchen used by ABC Homeopathy. It is provided here for the professional scrutiny; if that one is not its intention, you probably will find the finder of the most useful remedy.

Homoeopathy is a safe and effective system of the medicine that uses natural herbarios products and mineral to treat disease. The homeopáticos remedies are holísticos, that the means homeopathy trust the manufacture of a diagnosis of the analysis of all the complaints of a patient before prescribing any treatment. Our homeopático software in line frees of the finder of the remedy collects on all its symptoms, and suggests what remedies can help with what symptoms.

See the ABC Illumination of the kitchen Home Page for more information.

SymptomsPotential Remedies (Illumination of the kitchen)
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; superior arm; after waking up; arg-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; superior arm; whereas it writes; Carl, cic., with.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; superior arm; when extending the hand; crot-t.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; superior arm; whereas it writes; Carl, cic., with.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; elbow; ang., chins, coloc., God, fago., glon., hyperactive, lead, nat-s., of Op. Sys, plb., raph., sarr., staph., 2sulph., thuj., to be worth.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; elbow; 5 P.M.; to be worth.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; elbow; curve, of; cann-i.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; forearm; aeth., to agar, ang., arg-m., 1ars., aur-m-n., aur., 1bell., comic, camph., cham., coloc., with, 2dig., dulc., indg., kali-n., merc., mez., nat-m., nit-ac., nux-v., of Op. Sys, osm., phos., plb., rhod., 1rhus-t., sabin., stront., sumb., thuj., verat.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; forearm; the right; arg-m., 2sil.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; forearm; tomorrow, when waking up; arg-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; forearm; late; 2dig.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; forearm; night; kali-n.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; forearm; whereas it makes point; aeth.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; forearm; whereas it writes; to agar, arg-m., coloc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; áloe, arn., ars., brach., 2carb-v., 2caust., 2cur., push, dor., 2glon., hura., kali-c., kalm., lil-t., lyc., 2merc., mez., nat-m., nat-p., phos., phys., 2plb., I prune, rhod., sept., 2sil., spong., sul-ac., sulph.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; the right; 2sil.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; the right; and left ankle; national-p.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; tomorrow; lil-t.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; late; phos.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; after period; national-p.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; movement agg.; push.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; movement agg.; amel.; rhod.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; quadriplegic; 2carb-v., phos.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; as if it is twisted; kali-c.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; to use the hand; sept.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; wrist; whereas it writes; you pierce, 2kali-br.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; acon., alumn., ang., arn., ars., bell, bism., 2bov., comic, canth., sockets, carb-v., caust., cham., chins, chin, cimic., 2cina., colch., COM, croc., cupr., cur., God, 2fl-ac., gels, glon., hell, hipp., jug-r., 2kali-bi., kali-c., 2kali-n., kreos., lach., lyc., merc-i-f., 2merc., 1mez., cream, nat-c., nat-m., nat-p., 2nat-s., 2nit-ac., nux-m., nux-v., phos., phys., plb., rhod., rhus-t., 2ruta., sabin., sec., sept., sil., 2stann., sulph., sumb., picture, zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; tomorrow; God, lyc., national-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; tomorrow; in bed; national-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; tomorrow; when rising; nat-m., plb., sulph.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; tomorrow; when waking up; caust.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; late; bov.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; late; after dream; nut-v.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; late; 5 P.M.; cham.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; late; God.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; night; kali-n.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; night; after fever; national-s.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; during coldness; laur.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; after supper; mag-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; after eating; it sweeps-c.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; when taking hold objects; nat-m., 2nat-s.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; during headache; they ol-an.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; when hand of lie in the table; stann.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; hand of lie in the table; amel.; mag-c.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; when hand of lie in hard substance; national-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; period; alumn., ol-an., zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; in the movement; plb., thuj.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; entumecido like of electrical unloadings; Florida-CA.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; quadriplegic; act-sp., alumn., ang., 1ars., bism., 2bov., crot-h., nat-m., 2sil., 2stann.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; in the pressure; mez., nit-CA.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; after rising; nux-m., plb.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; as if it is twisted; indg.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; after supper; national-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; tremor; lycps., 2stann.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; when waking up; mez.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; whereas it walks; grat., plb.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; in a fourth hot one; 2cauo.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; whereas it writes; àesc., aml-n., bism., brach., sockets, chel., 1mez., sabin., 2stann., 2zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; hand; after writing; plb.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; ambr., 1ars., 2bov., carb-an., 2carb-v., cic., crot-h., cur., fago., hipp., hura., 2kali-n., lact., lead, lyc., 2nat-m., paragraph, phos., 1rhus-t., sil., zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; day; phos.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; night; ambr.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; it falls things; àrs., carb-an., 2nat-m., 2sil., 2stann.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; when taking hold; 1ars., carb-an., carb-v., kali-br., 2sil.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; quadriplegic; 1ars., carb-v.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; when playing the piano; 2cur., 2stann., 2zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; when typing; 2cur., 2stann., 2zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; whereas it writes; fago., kali-c.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; extremities; 2mez.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; first finger; kali-c., national-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; first finger; whereas it writes; kali-c.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; second finger; national-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; fingers; third finger; plb.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; thumb; kali-c., nat-m., sil., sulph.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; thumb; whereas it writes; kali-c.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; acet-ac., acon., 1aesc., aeth., àgar., afflict, all-s., áloe, 1alum., alumn., a.m.-c, àm-m., ambr., àng., àpis., 1arg-m., 1arg-n., 1ars., to roast, 1aur., 2bapt., bar-c, bell, benz-ac., berb., bor., brach., 2bry., 2bufo., you pierce, calc-i., calc-s., çalc., cann-i., cann-s., çarb-ac., 2carb-s., 2carb-v., mold, çaust., cham., chel., 2chin-to, 2chin., 2cic., 2cina., cist., kick-c, çocc., colch., çon., 2corn., 2crot-c., 2crot-t., 2cupr., pushes, ery-to, euphr., 2ferr-i., 1gels., 1glon., 2graph., grat., guai., jamón, 2hell., hipp., 2hydr., 2hyos., ind., IP, 2kali-ar., kali-bi., 2kali-br., 2kali-c., 2kali-n., 2kali-p., lil-t., 2lyc., 2mag-m., 2med., merc., 2mez., mosch., 1mur-ac., murx., 2nat-to, 1nat-c., 2nat-m., nat-p., nicc., 2nit-ac., 2nux-m., 1nux-v., olnd., òp., ox-ac., 2petr., 2ph-ac., 1phos., 1pic-ac., 2plat., 1plb., puls., 2ran-b., rhod., 1rhus-t., 2ruta., sang, 2sars., 2sec., seneg., 2sep., 1sil., spong., 2stann., 2stront., stry., 2sul-ac., 2sulph., picture, tarent., 2thuj., even, verat., verb, vip., xan., 1zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; tomorrow; ant-t., àrg-m., bar-c, carb-an., mur-ac., 2nat-m., 1nux-v., 2phos., 2rhus-t., 2sil., sulph.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; tomorrow; in bed; nat-m., plb., sulph., 2zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; tomorrow; when waking up; àrg-m., national-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; last morning; arg-n., nat-m., ptel., 2ran-b.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; last morning; 11 mornings; arg-n., nat-m., zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; late; àrg-n., nat-c., nux-v., pip-m., plb., rumx., zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; late; 1 P.M.; jamón.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; late; hydr-ac., indg., sulph., zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; late; during period; mag-m.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; late; whereas it walks; it sang, thuj., verat.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; late; 10 P.M.; plan.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; in steps that raise; to agar, àrs., to roast, çalc., lyc., nicc., nux-v., phos., pic-ac., 2ruta., sars., thuj.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; change of the temperature; to act-SP.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; boy who late learns to walk; çalc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; after sexual copula; 2calc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; walking under steps; nux-m., 2ruta., sil., stann., sulph.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; after eating; mur-CA.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; after the effort; ànac., çalc., 1gels., 1rhus-t.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; of false step,; pH-CA.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; after obtaining wet feet; phos., 2rhus-t.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; during catarrhal fever; sept.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; during hunger; 2zinc.
arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; during period; arg-n., 2cocc., kali-n., mag-m., 2nit-ac., nux-m., sulph., 2zinc.
< < arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; superior arm; when rising; arms, legs, hands, feet; weakness; lower the members; quadriplegic; > >
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