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Leg And Leg

Weakness of the leg and what the cause
He is not infrequent that the cats with diabetes experience the back weakness of the leg.  Although the weakness of the leg can happen in dogs, is much less common that for the cats. In technical terms the weakness of the leg often is called peripheral neuropatía.  The means the peripheral one in the extremities of the body, and the neuropatía means that the nerves that control muscles of the leg have been damaged or they do not work correctly. The weakness can also be due to a loss of mass of the muscle that the results of the uncontrolled diabetes. Generally, a definitive diagnosis of the damage of the nerve does not become. Something, the owner note that the back legs are weak and the cat has diminished mobility, or the cat can walk in his hocks.  The cat can awhile have hard jumping in the furniture and in more serious cases, the cat can have to walk hard of the time.

There are several theories on the exact mechanism of this condition, but total, the weakness of the leg is due to the long period of the uncontrolled diabetes and the high glucose of the blood.

To control the diabetes of its domestic animal is the best way to improve total force of the health and the leg. This is a slow process and can take several months, because the muscles of the leg need hour to reconstruct their size and forces.  The moderate game and the exercise (walking, stretching) also can help to improve the force of the leg of their cat.

The supplements are used sometimes to try to help the cat to recover more quickly. The supplements and the L-l-carnitine of potassium are often discussed. Methylcobalamin is a form of the B-12 vitamin that several owners of the cat have used and disclosed to see the fast improvement in the legs of their domestic animal. This one is a form of the B-12 vitamin that according to inquires the aids in regeneration into the nerve.  One occurs oral in form of the pill in a dose of 3 milligrams per day. Observe that this one is a diverse form of called the B-12 vitamin cyanocobalamin.  More information can be found in the site of the jasper.  Before giving any supplement to your domestic animal, you MUST verify with your veterinarian.  Without the veterinary approval and the supervision, some supplements can be very dangerous to the health of their domestic animal.

Personal Experiences


Before the barney was diagnosed, we noticed that it had stairs that rose awhile of hard and which it jumped on the sofa.  Since the barney was 14 years as an older person and we had cold time, I thought that its poor mobility era due to the age, to arthritis, or the cold time.  It is it was back weakness of the leg due to the diabetes.  After the diabetes of the barney was better controlled, we noticed that it had much more easy obtaining awhile around.  Its improvement was very gradual, but after near 3 months, it was again to his activities generally.  We did not use any type of dietetic supplements. We animated to him to that it exercised.  We played with the sequence or the pens in the floor, and animated to follow to him around to us whereas we walked in the yard. He can now jump in the furniture and on our laps without no problems!  He has even begun to raise trees again! - Donna and barney.


Shortly after spider, an old cat of 18 years, was diagnosed with diabetes that he began to experience the extreme weakness in his back legs. He could obtain not more of length inside and outside bed. We had to cut its box of the bunk under way that he could obtain inside and towards outside. And the worse one of all, by late, when it was tired, he would have to crawl in its belly down del lobby to obtain to its food. About 18, I thought that it was the end of the way. But 6 months it advanced more, the spider works and jumps again! Most of the credit for his improvement it must go to the spider. But we made some things to help advanced him. We did not use any supplements. In place we were centered in some exercises. We began with the easy exercises, then progressed most difficult. We spent weeks in an exercise sometimes. We began with the cosquilleo of its back feet. He HATED this, but he was able it to move the feet. Later, "the long walk of the baby". I maintained it around its chest under its front legs and I hardly animated to that it took some measures, using its back legs to him. Once it recovered something of his force, we ignited "the stairs". It would take it to swallow a flight of stairs and to leave it there. This was resistant in me! In the beginning, he finishes watching the cover to me of the stairs and meow pathetically. He broke my heart! But it raised possible! He now makes two flights of stairs without no problems. Finally, we progressed "to the long walk". We took the spider towards outside for his "we cleared" now once to the day. We go outside, we walked under the stairs of the cover, and in a good day we walked all the way around the house and raised the stairs again. The spider has made a recovery complete of its previous weakness. I think that the important thing in the recovery is to maintain the cat active whereas it works in obtaining bgs down. If the spider can do this in age 18, I think that there is hope of each one. - Expensive and spider

Problems Of the Leg
The diabetic dogs do not have generally problems of the weakness of the leg, but some.  Nevertheless, the prone dogs and cats tend to be paw the problems, particularly infections.  The owners can wish to verify the legs of their domestic animal frequently to know if there is any sample of problems.

Weakness of the leg and survey on the health of the leg



Updated January Of 2002
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This site is for the intentions of the information only.  Please consult his veterinarian.

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